Dienstag, 6. September 2011

The Egyptian Bazar in Charlottenburg

Egypt is a very fashionable common place in the intellectual conversations nowadays, and although I am trying as desperately as possible to keep politics away of the doors of this blog, I will make a little exception. More the sympathies for the latest events taking place in the Middle East - naively sometimes - merrier the economic and cultural opportunities (a kind of public diplomacy with impredictable effects).

The Egyptian Bazar from Charlottenburg could be such a good will messenger, although you could easily call it "Oriental Bazar": there are Egyptian models and products - some jewels are really interesting to look at and to buy, but there are equally products made in India or Singapore or Turkey or China or Morocco.
Though, a visit here is worth your time and you should take some savings with you as the temptation is big and the prices not as you can find in the 1 Euro shop.

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